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  1. Early "Video" Gaming

    1. (1947-1958)

    2. (1959-1972)

  2. Pong Home Consoles

    1. Pong Kits and DIY Projects

      1. Build Your Own Pong

    2. Pong Consoles w/ Discrete Circuitry

    3. Pong Consoles A - E

    4. Pong Consoles F - M​

    5. Pong Consoles N - S

    6. Pong Consoles T - Z

    7. Giant List of Pong Chips

      1. Pong Emulators​

    8. Other Plug and Play Consoles

      1. First Generation​

      2. Second Generation

      3. Third Generation

      4. Fourth Generation

      5. Fifth Generation

      6. Sixth Generation

      7. Seventh Generation

      8. Eighth Generation

  3. Home Gaming Consoles

    1. Gaming Consoles w/ Removable Media

      1. First Generation​

      2. Second Generation

      3. Third Generation

      4. Fourth Generation

      5. Fifth Generation

      6. Sixth Generation

      7. Seventh Generation

      8. Eighth Generation

      9. Ninth Generation

    2. Educational Consoles

    3. Microconsoles & Consoles w/ Downloadable Content Only

  4. Portable Gaming Systems

    1. Electronic Handhelds​

    2. Wearable Gaming Devices

    3. Calculators w/ Games

    4. Handhelds

      1. First Generation​

      2. Second Generation

      3. Third Generation

      4. Fourth Generation

      5. Fifth Generation

      6. Sixth Generation

      7. Seventh Generation

      8. Eighth Generation

    5. Mobile Gaming

  5. Computers

    1. Zeroth Generation

    2. First Generation

    3. Second Generation

    4. Third Generation

    5. Fourth Generation

      1. 8-bit​ Home Computers

      2. 16-bit Home Computers

      3. Modern Personal Computers

    6. Fifth Generation

    7. Giant List of Microprocessors​

  6. Online Gaming

    1. Network Game Providers

    2. Web Browser Game Services

    3. Cloud Gaming Services

    4. Blockchain Gaming

  7. Arcade

  8. Immersion Technology

    1. Augmented Reality​

    2. Virtual Reality

    3. Mixed Reality

    4. Holograms

    5. Full Dive / Total Immersion

  9. Sources

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